Al-Arabiyyatu Bayna Yaadayk PDF Book and Audio Downloand
This series is designed for the non-Arab speaking, senior level student. With a collection of audiotapes and MP3 CD it helps the student learn Arabic through listening and conversation along with reading and writing. The series stresses communication and also offers glimpses into the Arabic culture, both Islamic and national. Divided into 3 grades, it contains textbooks and workbooks combined in one book. The entire series can be taught intensively in 300 classes (averaging 45 minutes one class,) 100 classes for each grade. If the program is not intensive, it can be taught within a three-year period.
El Arabiyye Beyne Yedeyk 1. Part
El Arabiyye Beyne Yedeyk 2.Part
El Arabiyye Beyne Yedeyk 3.Part
El Arabiyye Beyne Yedeyk 4.Part
El Arabiyye Beyne Yedeyk 5.Part
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